Somewhere along a broken acl and the devastating fact that I couldn't ski for an entire winter, I realized juggling words is an adrenaline sport. 
This made me start the climb of Berghs SoC in Stockholm, and now on the other side, I look for new mountains. 
I work as a freelance copywriter / creative, with a passion for storytelling, the great outdoors and the great mystery of how many puns are actually too many. 

Ella Lewander AB 
Red Bull Sweden - Creative Consultant 
180 Amsterdam - Internship

Forsman & Bodenfors - Internship
Stitch N Stones Slow Fashion Collective - Internship
Snowmobile guide, lot's of restaurants, sales.
Gold pencil - The One Show / Young Ones, 2023 
Silver Pencil - The One Show / Young Ones, 2023
CW / AD Program - Berghs School of Communication 
Video editing and motion picture  - Jönköping University 
Copywriter start course - Berghs School of Communication
Storytelling / Strategic communication / Rhetoric in Commercial - Linneaus University
+46 733 91 49 33
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